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Zoie Hendricks Weis

Owner & Operator

 After teaching Dance at the High School level, I decided to make a career change and began working at my family's business, Hendrick's Printing Company. While working side by side with my father, Buff Hendricks, I grew a passion for graphic design, branding, printed goods & customer service and eventually became the full time graphic designer. My father's years of experience in various positions in print shops, including running a 4-color press, and his 12 years of owning and operating a small business print shop were a wealth of knowledge for me.

 The end of 2019 brought a promotion for my husband & an opportunity for us to relocate, and my family made the decision to sell Hendricks Printing Company. While thinking of the next step in my career, I realized that I had found my calling. And so, Canvas House Studio was born. 

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